Monday, November 26, 2007

Erotic Dinner

I had to write this. N thanked me on Saturday night for the "Erotic Dinner" I fixed. Hmmmm. I promise I didn't feed him chocolate covered oysters or anything. We had the pork loin that was cooked in a fruity concoction that tasted really good. I think he was surprised he liked it.


sue said...

hmmm...fruity pork loin sounds pretty erotic to me...and exotic too. Must be all the hours spend on the spelling words that inspired N. to compliment you so eloquently.

pseudosoccermom said...

That's what he must have meant. "Exotic". I couldn't think of it.

Speaking of using big words, B used the word Perservere in a sentence the other week and it just made me so proud. He used it correctly and I know it came from me!

sue said...

good grief! how in the world can a little guy use the word perservere in a sentence? Maybe: will you perservere with me as enter my teen-age years? or: Will you perservere with me as I write my Christmas list?