Friday, November 9, 2007

Piano Luv

When we inherited the baby grand a month or so ago, I knew that it would cause a stir at my house. I mean, it has buttons and kids love buttons, and makes sound and they luv sound and lots of things to discover, like pedals.

I started getting questions, "How'se the piano?" on dinner night.

I guess I didn't realize how quickly I would get the "I want to play piano when I grow up" from B, the youngest. But it happened last night, just before brushing teeth and getting into the bath. Okay, adorable.

I taught B how to play Mary Had a Little Lamb on the minor keys the first weekend we had the piano and he got it quickly and wanted more. I taught him always to find Middle C. And now he homes into it first thing. Unfortunately that exceeded my teaching knowledge and so I bought him a beginners book. Last night we got to playing left hand and right hand together and playing Old McDonald on the minor keys. Which led to the "I want to play piano when I grow up". "Even More than drums?", I asked. "Yes", he said and after a pause, with his mouth full of toothpaste "I can play both." So, needless to say, I've got to get this kid some lessons! But, maybe we won't do a real drum kit for Christmas this year.


Anonymous said...

Oh, I love this. Tell B that when I'm home for Christmas, we'll play Christmas carols. You should get a easy book of duets, so you can play together! Oh, but that might take B actually having to read music, which is a whole other thing altogether! Such fun regardless!!

pseudosoccermom said...

I can't wait until you are home and you can show him how its really done. At this point I don't think he's ever heard a live piano player who is really good. Believe it or not I don't count.

Anonymous said...

You do realize that I really haven't played in the piano in years, right?! I'll do my best.

sue said...

um, um, um.....don't forget we will all be seeing one another over the h-days....just a reminder not to get too, too embroiled in piano playing. But I would love to be on hand for some of it. Especially B. playing with one or both of you. Yay!! I am so excited about his interest. See, M., this is the reason you played and were forced to practice. So you could share this interest.....