Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Reducing the Carbon Footprint-Christmas Presents

Its coming up to the time again that we are thinking about what to get the boys for Christmas. Every year they go through the Toys R Us Toy book and mark the things they want with a big N or B. Usually, we get 1 or 2 things out of the book for them. But...................

Honestly, my boys aren't really toy people. They want the toys. But, they never go into the playroom and just play with stuff. The only time this has happened is when they have friends over. They are game people and gun people, sporty people and drummers and excercise ball people but not really into the imaginative play with figurines. And they have so much stuff already.

So, I'm rambling here. But, because of this I really want to forgo the Toys R Us book this year. J does too. It is such a waste. Waste of space, money, etc.

Anyway, this begs the question, what will take its place? What will they love and use?

I'm not really sure yet. But, I think we will try to be very thoughtful about gifts this year and not just get to get. We try to be careful, always keeping in mind that the boys spend only 1/4 of their overall time at our house, so they don't need so much at our house. But, I think we are going to redouble our efforts this Christmas.

1 comment:

sue said...

Cool comment from a stranger. Thanks for the information.
I'm into gift suggestions. I remember when W & M were done with toys and Katie was really into toys. So, toys for K, and not for W & M; what did you all play with on Christmas morning? K's toys!!!
It's hard but here goes:
films, games, savings bonds, money, a trip, books, start a collection, CDs, puzzles, puppets, building sets, fishing stuff, balls, tickets to AMC, coupons for favorite restaurants, cameras.