Friday, January 11, 2008

Further Adventures in Mispronunciations with the 13 Year Old Kid

Does this kid have sex on the brain or something?

Last night I asked J if he was being obstinant about some such thing. (The answer is yes in case you were wondering) and N said he had heard the word obstinant somewhere before. Let him think. Oh Yeah, in his sex ed video.

Ummmmm. I explained that I think he was thinking of the word "abstinant" and he said yes. Since he gives us openings like this like daily (Katie can attest to this since she was there for B singing "Wait don't touch me there, that's my private square" which is a jazzy little school bus ditty about R-A-P-E they sing on N's bus.) I wonder whether I 'm supposed to take these openings and talk to him about sex. Every time. Its exhausting. I don't know what to say about it. I asked if he knew what abstinant meant and explained it in the most generic terms possible. I swear its a minefield in the early teen age years.

So, now I'm just waiting for when he is talking about an orgasm instead of an oraganism or a virgin instead of a surgeon. I think it's only a matter of time.


Anonymous said...

Hahaha oh man, this made me laugh. As I started reading the first line of the blog, that little (terrifying) song popped into my head.

sue said...

is it possible that we're arming these little kids with too much information?

hogbacker said...

This all stems from there being way too many terrible parents in the world. These two boys are getting their education on these sensitive issues just like I did, on the school bus.

This is one of the reasons I don't go to a lot of trouble to screen what they watch on TV. Whatever they see on TV, they have already heard a much worse version on the bus of knowledge.

I used to be amazed at what they would pick-up at day care from the other kids.