Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Dalian, China

I was in China a couple of weeks ago and it was pretty awesome. Beijing actually had really blue, clear skies. The sun was out, the air was cool. Being outside there was like a gift. Last time I was there was in Spring 2006 and the desert dust was blowing down from the north (?) and you couldn't walk without your hand over your face. So, it was a lovely change.

I traveled to Dalian this time, a coastal city I'd never been to before. It is truly the loveliest Chinese city I have visited so far. Green and clean and hilly with a mix of European style architecture and the signature Chinese neon pizzaz. It was such a great day. Evidently centuries ago, foregners came to China and cities like Dalian that were on the water and colonized them. When I hear these stories I just try to imagine what it would be like to go to Asia if you had not only never been before but in many cases hadn't heard anything about it. Its an awe I can't fathom but try to imagine. I think it might be like that if I were to travel to the upper EuroAsian countries of Bangladesh or Kazhakstan.

It felt so different to be in a coastal city in China. When I travel inland to places like Qiqhar or Xingtai for work I feel so insulated from the world. These cities feel like villages that might as well be surrounded by walls. I know they are aware of the outside, current world, or I wouldn't be there, but the feeling is like you could be on the edge of the world.

1 comment:

sue said...

the new China is called "The Olympic Clean-Up" or "How a Couple of Billion People Cleaned up Their Act"............glad you're getting to take advantage of it.